Are you looking to invite a storyteller who can engage, delight and inspire children to read and tell their own stories? I can help!
Our storytelling sessions with Anna were full of magic and wonder, as the children were whisked away into the many lands of the stories told. They were all so engaged and intrigued the whole time. The children couldn’t stop talking about it and their written and drawn reflections truly revealed just how much they got out of their time with Anna.
Very highly recommend!
Paige Egan, Kindergarten teacher

What to expect from my storytelling sessions
My sessions are thoughtfully crafted with a focus on promoting literacy, cultural curiosity, and age-appropriate content that both entertains and educates children.
I do 30/45-minute sessions for children from Prep - Year 6
I’ve written the stories I tell.
I tell a ‘story buffet’ - different oral storytelling formats such as string stories, fold-and-tell stories, cut-and-tear stories, draw-and-tell stories, body percussion stories.
Kamishibai (Japanese paper theatre) stories is my signature set
My sessions are interactive, literacy-rich and allows for co-creating stories with children.
I use transitions between stories (songs on my ukulele, rhymes, movement) that celebrate languages and cultures.
Themes I tell on: relationships, humour, nature, cultures
Suitable for Units of Inquiry on storytelling / creative arts (different ways of telling stories), history/geography (stories from different countries)
I share my writing and creative process in publishing a picture book (Leo’s Pet Bug)
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your wonderful story with us Anna. You are a joy to watch, the children were enthralled. What a blessing to have clever storytellers, who share stories that are meaningful as well as packed with phonic awareness, and beginning reading strategies! The children loved Leo's Pet Bug and your wonderful ukulele! Thank you for giving our students a wonderful adventure in literacy and bringing to it joy, passion and willingness to share a love of reading! We loved it!
Ruth Thatcher, children’s librarian

Get in touch!
Just send me an email at and share a few details:
Your name, organisation and role
What you're looking for: storytelling sessions for children or professional development for adults
The number of attendees
Your preferred dates and times
Anything else you'd like me to know